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Studies of Greek and Roman Civilization. Essays edited by Jerzy Styka

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Default Title

ISBN: 83-7188-281-5
Description: 184 pages
Condition: very good
Weight: 235g.





Studies of Greek and Roman Civilization. Essays edited by Jerzy Styka, Classica Cracoviensia IV, Cracow 1998


Gerhard BINDER, Die 'Germania'-Ausgabe des Philipp Melanchthon: Zeugnis eines heimatverbundenen Humanismus
Stanistaw STABRYLA, Intertextual Literary Communication in Cicero's 'Cato Maior'
Anna WASYL, The Addressees of Horace's 'First Book Of Epistles'
Jerzy STYKA, Zur Entwicklung der romischen Lyrik in der Zeit der Republik
Romuald TURASIEWICZ, The Role of Dionysos and the Problem of in Euripides' 'Bacchae'
Jozef KORPANTY, Quelques remarques sur la terminologie politique employee par les optimates et les populares
Daniel DEN HENGST, Ammianus, The Historia Augusta And Julian
Hugo MONTGOMERY, Conversion as Literature - Eusebius On Constantine's Vision in The 'Vita Constantini'
Dariusz BRODKA, Das Bilddes Perserkonigs Chosroes I.in den 'Bella' des Prokopios van Kaisereia
Wolfgang SPEYER, Die Stadt als Inbegriff der menschlichen Kultur in Realitat und Symbolik
Tomasz POLANSKI, The Images of Oriental Divinities in Ominous Dreams and Visions
Joanna KOMOROWSKA, The Empire and the Astrologer: a Study into Firmicus Maternus' 'Mathesis'
Edmund POLASZEK, The Motif' of Potiphar 's Wife in the Ancient Greek Romances: Xenophon ofEphesus, Achilles Tatius, and Heliodorus