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Coptic Studies, Acts of the Third International Congress of Coptic Studies

40,00 $

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ISBN: 83-01-07663-1
Description: hardback, dustjacket, 506 pages, figs.
Condition: new
Weight: 1450g.



Coptic Studies, Acts of the Third International Congress of Coptic Studies, Warsaw 20-25 August 1984, Ed. by W. Godlewski, Warsaw 1990

Honorary   Committee
Organizing   Committee
List of Participants
List of Contributions Read at the Congress in absentia
List of Papers Read at the Congress but not Sent to Editors
BENTLEY LAYTON,  The Future of Our Association. Presidential Address
GONZALO ARANDA FEREZ, Autour de la version sahidique du Nouveau Testament: s agit-il d'une tradition textuelle unique! Étude des manuscrits M 569 et Bodmer XIX
KRZYSZTOF BABRAJ, La symbolique des lettres F et H dans l'abside de la Cathédrale de Paras et leur lien avec l'art copte
PASCALE BALLET, La céramique des Kellia. Fouilles récentes de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale
THEOFRIED BAUMEISTER, Der aktuelle Forschungsstand zu den Pachomiusregeln
WALTER BELTZ, Zur Morphologie koptischer Zaubertexte
DOMINIQUE BÉNAZETH,  Tôd: Historique du site et des fouilles
HANS-GEBHARD BETHGE, Zu einigen literarischen, exegetischen und inhaltlichen Problemen der »Epistula Pétri ad Philippum« (NHC  VIII, 2)
KENT S. BROWN, A Communiqué : Microfllming the Manuscripts of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt
GERALD M. BROWNE, An Old Nubian Version of thé Liber Institutions Michaelis
WOLFGANG BRUNSCH,  Bitte um Mitteilung der bibliographischen Daten koptisch-philologischer Publikationen fur die AEB und PEB
EL VIRA D'AMICONE, A Stele of a "Follower of Isis" in the Egyptian Museum of Turin
JOHANNES DEN HEIJER, Réflexions sur la composition de l'Histoire des Patriarches d'Alexandrie: les auteurs des sources coptes
TADEUSZ  DZIERZYKRAY-ROGALSKI, Living and Environmental Conditions of the Bishops in Pachoras-Faras
WOLF-PETER FUNK, How Closely Related Are thé Subakhmimic Dialects?
GAWDAT GABRA, Patape (Bidâbâ), Mârtyrer und Bischofvon Koptos (ça. 244-ca. 312) : Ein Vorbericht ůber sein arabisches Enkomium
WLODZIMIERZ GODLEWSKI,  The Cruciform Church at Old Dongola (Sudan). Some Comments
DEIRDRE J. GOOD, Sophia in Eugnostos the Blessed and the Sophia of Jesus Christ (NHC III, 3 and V, 1; NHC III, 4 and BG 8502,3)
C. WILFRED GRIGGS, Excavating a Christian Cemetery Near Seila, in the Fayum Region of Egypt
PETER GROSSMANN, Typologische Problčme der nubischen Vierstutzenbauten
KAREL C. INNEMÉE, Relationships between Episcopal and Monastic Vestments in Nubian Wall-painting
LÂSZLÔ KÂKOSY, Survivais of Ancient Egyptian Gods in Coptic and Islamic Egypt
ALEKSANDER KAKOVKIN, L'art copte de l'Ermitage
RODOLPHE KASSER, A propos des caractéristiques lexicales des dialectes coptes dans divers textes bibliques
ZSOLT KISS, Évolution stylistique des ampoules de St Menas
MARTIN KRAUSE, Die âgyptischen Klôster. Bemerkungen zu den Phoibammon-Klôstern in Theben-West und den Apollon-Klôstern
ALEKSANDRA KRZYZANOWSKA, Remarques sur la circulation monétaire en Egypte du IVe au VIIe siecles
PAHOR LABIB, Some Aspects of Coptic Civilization
ADAM LUKASZEWICZ, Einige Bemerkungen zu den Asketen in den griechischen urkundlichen Papyri
LESLIE S. B. MACCOULL, Coptic Papyri in the Duke University Collection
GIANCARLO MANTOVANI, Illumination et illuminateurs : a la recherche des sources de l'Apocryphon de Jean
MALGORZATA MARTENS-CZARNECKA, Some Known and Some New Features of Nubian Painting on the Murais from House "A" at Old Dongola
FRANCISCO JAVIER MARTINEZ, The King of Rűm and the King of Ethiopia in Medieval Apocalyptic Texts from Egypt
MARK MILBURN, Nomads and Religion in the Context of Christian Nubia and Coptic Egypt: an Enquiry
MOUNIR BASTA,  Winged Figures on Wooden Panels
MOUNIR BASTA, Renovation of the Coptic Museum
PETER NAGEL, The Present State of Work in the Edition of the Sahidic Version of the Old Testament
CLAUDIA NAUERTH, Evidence for a David Cycle on Coptic Textiles
LUCIA PAPINI, A Lease of Land from Aphroditopolis
PIOTR PARANDOWSKI, Coptic Terra-cotta Figurines from Kôm el-Dikka
BIRGER A. PEARSON,  Two Homilies Attributed to St Peter of Alexandria
KRZYSZTOF PLUSKOTA, Early Christian Pottery from Old Dongola
NATALIA POMERANTSEVA, Spread of the Traditions of Ancient Egyptian Art on the Iconography of Coptic Ritual Sculpture (4th-6th Centuries A.D.)
MARGUERITE RASSART-DEBERGH, Les peintures des Kellia (Missions de 1981 a 1983)
MICHEL ROBERGE, Chute et remontée du Pneuma dans la Paraphrase de Sem
MARIAN ROBERTSON, A Coptic Melody Sung Interchangeably in Différent Languages: Comparisons thereof and Proposed Dating  therefor
JAMES M. ROBINSON,  The First Christian Monastic Library
BARBARA RUSZCZYC, Die Ausgrabungen in Tell Atrib (Kom Sidi Youssuf)
MARIE H. RUTSCHOWSCAYA, Fouilles du Musée du Louvre a Tôd (Haute-Egypte). Structures et matériel
IDA RYL-PREIBISZ, Décorative Eléments of Capitals in Christian Nubia and Coptic Motifs
ASHRAF ISKANDER SADEK, Les fętes personnelles au Nouvel Empire
HELMUT SATZINGER, On thé Prehistory of thé Coptic Dialects
HANS-MARTIN SCHENKE, Bemerkungen zur Apokalypse des Allogenes (NHC XI, 3)
EINAR THOMASSEN, Unusual Second Tense Forms in thé Tripartite Tractate (NHC I, 5)
BARBARA TKACZOW, Archaeological Sources for thé Earliest Churches in Alexandria
LÂSZLÔ TÔRÔK, Notes on thé Chronology of Late Antique Stone Sculpture in Egypt
MIENEKE VAN DER HELM, Some Iconographical Remarks on St Michael in Sonqi Tino
PAUL VAN MOORSEL, The French Project "La peinture murale chez les Coptes"
DEREK A. WELSBY, Excavations at Soba East in Central Sudan, 1983/84
EWA WIPSZYCKA, Une nouvelle Regle monastique égyptienne
CORNELIA E. ZIJDERVELD, Coptic  Textiles in Holland