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Antiquitas XXVIII, Elite in Greek and Roman Antiquity

15,99 $

Default Title

ISBN: 83-229-2739-8
Description: 226 pages (24x17 cm)
Condition: very good
Weight: 395g.




Antiquitas XXVIII, Elite in Greek and Roman Antiquity, edited by Andrzej Los and Krzysztof Nawotka, Wroclaw 2005


Andrzcj Los, Krzysztof Nawotka, Introduction
Krzysztof Nawotka, Alexander the Great and Greek elite: the case of Phocion
Zofia Halina Archibald, Officers and gentlemen (or gentlewomen): exploring Macedonian elites in the Classical and Early Hellenistic periods
Miron Wolny, Hannibal's oath before expedition to Gades (237 BC) - functions and way of receptionMaurice Sartre, Les elites juives de Judee d'une revolte a l'autre (v. 175 av. J.-C.-135 ap. J.-C.)
John Curran, Jewish leadership and the war with Rome, 66-70 CE
Wieslaw Suder, Propaganda e legislazione matrimoniale di Augusto
Andrzej Los, Les affaires commerciales des notables municipaux. Rcmarques sur les mercalores notes dans les inscriptions amphoriques du Icr siecle apres J.-C.
Leszek Mrozewicz, Veteranen - eine Elite?
Annie Sartre-Fauriat, Les soldats: une elite sociale en Syrie a I'epoque romaine
Krzysztof Krolczyk, Die romische Stadt Brigetio (Pannonien) und ihrc Munizipalaristokratie in den epigraphischcn Quellcn
Ligia Ruscu, Die Strukrur der Elitcn der westpontischen Griechenstadte wahrend des Prinzipats im Rahmen ihres rechtlichen Status
Ludovico Fulci, Lo scetticismo della Roma impcriale quale atteggiamento spirituale di un'e/;'tein crisi
Rafiaella Biundo, Origine e status degli affitruari dei fondi imperiali in provincia
Macicj Johca, Criminal liability of honestiores in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, according to selected legal acts
Jean Andreau, Remarques de conclusion: unite et pluralite des elites