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Archeologia LVIII, 2007

15,00 $

Default Title

Description: softcover, 236pp. (29,5x20,5cm), drawings, photos, 350 copies printed
Condition: very good
Weight: 750g.





Archeologia LVIII, 2007, Warsaw 2009

Sebastian  Borowicz, Cognitive Theory of Prototype and Categorization in Pottery Studies. An Analysis Based on Cypriot lagynoi Samples
Tadeusz   Sarnowski, The Name of Novae in Lower Moesia. Appendix: Deyan Dragoyev, A Late Roman Tile-Stamp from Sexaginta Prista
Tadeusz   Sarnowski, Novae in the Notitia Dignitatum
Agnieszka   Tomas, Inter Moesos et Thraces. A Contribution to the Studies on the Rural Hinterland of Novae in Lower Moesia
Marcin  Biborski, Jerzy  Kolendo, Bild und Inschrift. Bemerkungen uber das Schwert und die vitis auf einer Grabstele von Novae
Tadeusz  Sarnowski,  Oleg J.   Savelja,  Radoslaw Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski,   Roman  Military   Sentry   Posts   in  the   Border  Zone   of Crimean Chersonesos
Radoslaw  Gawronski, Was there a Decurio Equitum Legionisl Questions about the Command Structure of the Legionary Cavalry 
Monika  Rekowska-Ruszkowska, The Mausoleum at Ptolemais in Travellers' Accounts
Marek   T.   Olszewski, Mosa'iques de pavement de la «Maison de Leukaktios» a Ptolemais en Cyrenaique (Libye). Essai d'identification des pieces
Elzbieta   Jastrzebowska, The Cross Motif on Stone Objects from Ptolemais in Cyrenaica
Marek   T.   Olszewski, Essai d'identification d'un atelier itinerant de mosaique de la diecese d'Orient (Baalbeck et Nea Paphos) de 1'antiquite tardive  
Katarzyna   Kleiber, The Twelve Gods of Olympus on Ivory Rhytons from Old Nisa


Rhizon, 2004-2007. Preliminary Report on the Excavations of the Center for Research on the Antiquity of Southeastern Europe, University of Warsaw, by Piotr Dyczek   in   collaboration   with   Vilma   Kovacevic,   Martin   Lemke, Predrag  Lutovac, Janusz  Reclaw
Koshary Project, 2005-2007. Fifth Preliminary Report on Polish-Ukrainian Excavations, by Ewdoksia Papuci-Wladyka, Evgenya F. Redina, Jaroslaw Bodzek, Wojciech Machowski
Crimean  Chersonesos. Farmhouses of the Roman Period. Polish-Ukrainian Archaeological Research in 2005-2007, by Ludmila A. Kovalevskaja, Tadeusz Sarnowski
Bartlomiej  Lis, A Revolution in the Study of Late Mycenaean Pottery? A Review Article of Ch. Podzuweit "Studien zur spatmykenischen Keramik"
Teresa  Stawiarska, Raw Glass and its Role in Ancient Glass Industry. Problems of Organization of Production. A Critical Assessment
Aldona   Snitkuviene, The Epilogue of the Ancient Art Collection of Michal Tyszkiewicz. The Auction in Paris, 1898
Greek Colonisation. An Account of Greek Colonies and Other Settlements Overseas, vol. 1 & 2, ed. by G.R. Tsetskhladze (K. Nowicki) Chronologies of the Black Sea Area in the Period c. 400-100 BC, ed. by V. Stolba and L. Hannestad (K. Domzalski)
F. Isik, Girlanden-Sarkophage aus Aphrodisias (Z. Kiss)  
A.G. Poulter, Nicopolis ad Istrum. A Late Roman and Early Byzantine City.  The Finds and the Biological Remains; The Transition to Late Antiquity on the Danube and Beyond, ed. by A.G. Poulter (T. Sarnowski)  
Korpus znalezisk rzymskich z europejskiego Barbaricum - Polska, Suplement, torn 3:
Nowe znaleziska importow rzymskich z ziem Polski HI, pod red. A. Bursche
i R. Ciotek (M. Mielczarek)    
Egipt,   Grecja,  Italia...  Zabytki starozytne z dawnej kolekcji Gabinetu Archeolo-
gicznego Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego, pod red. J. Sliwy (J. Kolendo)
Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, 2006 (D. Maliszewski). 
B. Patzek, Homer i jego czasy (D. Maliszewski). 
Response to the review of M.J. Olbrycht, Aleksander Wielki i swiat iranski, Rzeszow 2004 (M.J. Olbrycht).
Tomasz Mikocki (25 II 1954 - 26 V 2007) (Witold Dobrowolski)
Barbara Filarska (30 VI 1922-3 IX 2007) (Elzbieta Laskowska-Kusztal)
Tadeusz Zawadzki (7 IV 1919 - 4 I 2008) (Jerzy Kolendo)