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Contributions in New World Archaeology, vol. 11, Weaving Histories, Women in Mesoamerican Culture, Society and Politics

25,00 $

Default Title
Description: softcover, 160 pp. (24x17 cm), ills.
Condition: new
Weight: 460g.

Contributions in New World Archaeology, vol. 11, Weaving Histories, Women in Mesoamerican Culture, Society and Politics, Special Issue, Proceedings of the 5th Maya Conference "Women in Mesoamerican Culture, Society and Politics", February 25-28, 2016, Cracow, ed. by M. Banach, C. Helmke, J. Zralka, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Institute of Archaeology, Krakow 2017

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‘The heart and stomach of a king’: A study of the regency of Lady Six Sky at Naranjo, Guatemala
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