Contributions in New World Archaeology, vol. 4
30,00 $
Description: paperback, 288 pp. (24x18 cm), figs.
Condition: new
Weight: 710g.
Contributions in New World Archaeology, vol. 4, Maya Political Relations and Strategies, Proceedings of the 14th European Maya Conference, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Institute of Archaeology, Krakow 2012
Jarosław Źrałka & Wiesław Koszkul
From the Editors of the volume
Sven Gronemeyer
Statements of Identity – Emblem Glyphs in the Nexus of Political Relations
Hugo Garcia Capistran
El reino de la serpiente bajo la mirada de sus aliados
Christophe Helmke & Jaime Awe
Ancient Maya Territorial Organisation of Central Belize Confluence of Archaeological and Epigraphic Data
Carlos Pallan
A glimpse from Edzna’s hieroglyphics Middle, Late and Terminal Classic Processes of Cultural Interaction between the Southern, Northern and Western Lowlands
Milan Kováč & Ramzy R. Barrois
El papel de Siyaj K´ahk´ en Uaxactun y el Petén Central
James A. Doyle
A Paleographic Approach to Political Change Using Classic Maya Day Sign Variants
Robert J. Sharer & Loa P. Traxler
Copan and Quirigua Shifting Destinies in the Southeastern Maya Lowlands
Charles Golden & Andrew K. Scherer
All of a Piece The Politics of Growth and Collapse in Classic Maya Kingdoms
Bernard Hermes & Jarosław Źrałka
Nakum and Yaxha During the Terminal Classic Period External Relations and Strategies of Survival at the Time of the Collapse
Arturo Pascual Soto & Erik Velásquez García
Relaciones y estrategias políticas entre El Tajín y diversas entidades mayas durante el siglo IX d.C.
Tsubasa Okoshi Harada
El cúuchcabal de los Xiu análisis de su formación y consolidación
Lorraine A. Williams-Beck, Bodil Liljefors Persson & Armando Anaya Hernández
Back to the Future for Predicting the Past Cuchcabal – Batabil – Cuchteel and May Ritual Political Structures across Archaeological Landscapes, in Ethnohistoric Texts, and through Cosmological Time
Iyaxel Ixkan A. Cojtí Ren
El Saqarik o Amanecer como ritual de fundación descrito en los documentos históricos k’iche’s y kaqchikeles