Making a Medieval Town, Patterns of Early Medieval Urbanization
35,00 $
ISBN: 978-83-89499-72-1
Description: softcover, 318 pages (16,5x23,5 cm), drawings, plans, photographs
Condition: new
Weight: 505g.
Making a Medieval Town, Patterns of Early Medieval Urbanization, ed. by A. Buko, M. McCarthy, Institute of Archaeology, Polish Academy of Science, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw 2010
The origins of early urban European centers have been the subject of continuous debate for a long time. This discussion results partly from the complexity of research questions, but also because the appearance of early towns is very complex to analyze and mostly depends on regional traditions. For this reason no one model can adequately describe early European urbanization. The papers presented in this volume do not pretend to resolve problems of roots of early towns, but the combination of papers highlights different approaches and aspects of the story. They represent an important contribution to the debate and are intended as the basis for further discussion and analysis.
Roots of early European urbanization: an introduction
Andrzej Buko
From a stronghold to a town — the Polish case
Przemyslaw Urbanczyk
Towns in early medieval Italy: new archaeological perspectives
Sauro Gelichi
Urban archaeology in Poland — a new approach
Andrzej Golembnik
The origins of the City in al-Andalus: the case of Madinat Ilbira
Antonio Malpica Cuello
The evolution of towns in the duchy of Normandy in the 11th-15th centuries:
An essay in historical geography using material and quantitative data
Bernard Gauthiez
Carlisle: the making of a medieval town on the Anglo-Scottish frontier
Mike McCarthy
Early urbanization in Norway
Fetter B. Molaug
Viking age emporia around the Baltic Sea — a cul-de-sac of the European urbanization?
Mateusz Bogucki
Kalisz as an example of development of a medieval centre in Poland
Tadeusz Baranowski
Cracow in archaeological research
Kazimierz Radwanski, Anna Tyniec
Current problems of the research of high medieval towns in East-Central Europe
Jerzy Piekalski
The problems of the beginning of medieval towns in the northern Caucasus
Irina Arzhantseva, Svetlana Ruzanova