Materialy Archeologiczne, vol. 30
20,00 $
Description: softcover, 113 pages (29,5x20,5cm), photographs, drawings
Condition: very good
Weight: 450g.
Materialy Archeologiczne, vol. 30, 1997
M.J. Raven, Four Corn-Mummies in the Archaeological Museum at Cracow
K.Wasylikowa,A. Jankun, Identification of Barley from the Ancient Egyptian Corn-Mummies in the Archaeological Museum in Cracow
A.Klosowska, The Conservation and Technical Examination of Three Corn-Mummies at the Archaeological Museum in Cracow
E. Laskowska-Kusztal, Quatre linceuls de momies du Musee Archeologique de Cracovie
A.Prokopowicz, Conservation des fragments des linceuls egyptiens du Musee Archeologique de Cracovie
M.G. Witkowski, Arabic Filters from the Collection of the Cracow Archaeological Museum
M. Litynska-Zajac, Fruits of Coriandrum sativum in Two Coptic Vessels from Egypt
A. Lajtar, Ein judisches Epitaph aus Caesarea Palaestinae im Archdologischen Museum in Krakau
T. Waliszewski, Stone Objects from Caesarea Maritima in the Cracow Archaeological Museum
W. Blajer, Zwei Bronzeschmuckgegenstdnde aus der Sammlung des Archdeologischen Museums in Krakow
H. Dobrzanska, Wielowiejski, The Early Roman High-Status Elite Grave in Giebultow near Cracow
K. Domzalski, Terra sigillata Bowl from a Rich Cremation Burial from Giebuitow, near Cracow
A purchase by the Cracow Archaeological Museum