Pontic Red Slip Ware Typology, Chronology and Distribution of a Major Group of late Roman Fine Pottery in the Black Sea Region
55,00 $
ISBN: 9788366463615
Description: hardback, 221 pp. (30x21,5cm)
Condition: new
Weight: 1030g.
Krzysztof Domzalski, Pontic Red Slip Ware Typology, Chronology and Distribution of a Major Group of late Roman Fine Pottery in the Black Sea Region, IAE Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 2021
Notes and Abbreviations
2. Research Background: Studies on Late Roman and Early Byzantine Red Slip Wares in the Mediterranean and in The Black Sea Region
2.1. Milestones in the Studies on the Red Slip Wares in Southern and Eastern Roman Provinces
2.2. Studies on late Roman and Early Byzantine Fine Pottery in the Black Sea Region
3. Methodology and Evidence
3.1. Methodological Principles
3.2. Archaeological Evidence
4. Definition of The Ware, Chronology and Classification of Vessel Forms
4.1. Macroscopic and Physico-Chemical Characteristics
4.2. Introduction to Morphological Analysis
4.3. Decoration Potters and Users Marks
4.4. Summary of Chronological Analysis
4.5. Classifications of Vessel Forms
5. Productions and and Long- Distance Trade
5.1. Distributions and the Question of Orgine
5.2. Regional Tradition and Interregional Influence
5.3. Pontic Red Slip Ware in the Late Roman Fine Pottery Trad
6. Conclusion
Appendix 1 ( K.Domżalski)
Catalogue of Pontic Red Slip Vessels Analyses Physico-Chemically
Appendix 2 (G.Schneider, M. Daszkiewicz)
Physico-chemical Analyses of Pontic Red Slip Ware
Summary in Russian
List of Figures And Plates
Description: hardback, 221 pp. (30x21,5cm)
Condition: new
Weight: 1030g.
Krzysztof Domzalski, Pontic Red Slip Ware Typology, Chronology and Distribution of a Major Group of late Roman Fine Pottery in the Black Sea Region, IAE Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 2021
Notes and Abbreviations
2. Research Background: Studies on Late Roman and Early Byzantine Red Slip Wares in the Mediterranean and in The Black Sea Region
2.1. Milestones in the Studies on the Red Slip Wares in Southern and Eastern Roman Provinces
2.2. Studies on late Roman and Early Byzantine Fine Pottery in the Black Sea Region
3. Methodology and Evidence
3.1. Methodological Principles
3.2. Archaeological Evidence
4. Definition of The Ware, Chronology and Classification of Vessel Forms
4.1. Macroscopic and Physico-Chemical Characteristics
4.2. Introduction to Morphological Analysis
4.3. Decoration Potters and Users Marks
4.4. Summary of Chronological Analysis
4.5. Classifications of Vessel Forms
5. Productions and and Long- Distance Trade
5.1. Distributions and the Question of Orgine
5.2. Regional Tradition and Interregional Influence
5.3. Pontic Red Slip Ware in the Late Roman Fine Pottery Trad
6. Conclusion
Appendix 1 ( K.Domżalski)
Catalogue of Pontic Red Slip Vessels Analyses Physico-Chemically
Appendix 2 (G.Schneider, M. Daszkiewicz)
Physico-chemical Analyses of Pontic Red Slip Ware
Summary in Russian
List of Figures And Plates