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Society and Religions. Studies in Greek and Roman History

5,99 $

Default Title

ISBN: 83-231-1772-1
Description: 142 pages (20,5x15 cm), illustrations
Condition: very good
Weight: 195g.




Society and Religions. Studies in Greek and Roman History, edited by Danuta Musial, Torun 2005

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Iconographie en perspective: Jane E. Harris on et les vases grecs, reflexions autor d'une methodologie  .
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All the King's Men. Thessalians and Philip II's Designs on Greece
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The presentation of "investiture " in thracian art
Danuta Musial
Les livres de Numa : quelques reflexions stir I'helle-nistion de la culture romaine
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Aspetti religiosi del Sannio Pentro: alcune considera-zioni
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Le attestazioni cultuali del delta padano in eta romana
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Sopatros von Apameia — ein neuplatonischer Philosoph am Hofe von Konstantin
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Some remarks on Flavins Felix s domination at the Ravenna court (425-430)