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Aegyptus et Pannonia IV, Acta Symposii anno 2006

55,00 $

Default Title

ISBN: 978-963-08-1360-0
Description: softcover, 198 pages (24x17), 58 plates
Condition: very good
Weight: 650g.





Aegyptus et Pannonia IV, Acta Symposii anno 2006, ed. by Hedvig Gyory, Budapest 2010


Ladislav Bares, Procession of deities and demons on the inner sarcophagus of Iufaa
Filip Coppens, Funerary Practices in Ptolemaic and Roman Temples. A Case-Study of the Complex of Wabet and Court
Essam El-Saeed, The Relationship Between Sidon and Egypt to the End of the twenty sixth Dynasty
Gabriella Gabrieli, Das Iseum von Scarbantia
Hedvig Gyory, Eine Terrakotta-Statuette aus dem ptolemaischen Gamhud Friedhof
Claus Jurman, The Trappings of Kingship Remarks about Archaism, Rituals and Cultural Polyglossia in Saite Egypt
Helmut Satzinger, The Vienna stela for the head of the confectioners guild Heracleides: suggesting a new solution for the end of the text
Joachim Sliwa, Die Kanne von Egyed und ein verschollener Fund aus Woeklitz/Weklice (Ostpreussen)
Kveta Smolarikova, Some notes on Saite religious texts from the shaft tombs at Abusir
Otto Sosztarits, Evidenzen der Chronologie vom Iseum in Savaria
Toth Henriett, Das Victoriarelief auf dem Isisheiligtum von Savaria. Die norisch-pannonische Volute als Datierungsmotiv
Elisabeth Walters, Hierakonpolis, Alexandria, and Athens: Women in the Cult of Isis