Series Byzantina, Studies on Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Art, Volume XIII
12,00 $
Description: softcover, 68 pp. (25x17,5), b&w phots.
Condition: new
Weight: 140g.
Series Byzantina, Studies on Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Art, Volume XIII, Warsaw 2015
Introduction (Waldemar Deluga)
Anna Glowa, Remarks on the relationship between architectonic and metalwork decoration in Late Antiquity
Justyna Sprutta, Le culte et l'iconographie de Saint Theodore dans la tradition byzantine
Nevena Dzhurkova, The scene of the "Old Testament Trinity" in Preobrazhenski monastery - iconographic and theological unity
Michal Janocha, Nike et Notre Dame. A l'occasion du vingtieme anniversaire de la mort du pere Janusz St. Pasierb
Branka Ivanic, Janos Aknay's Visual Search from an Image to the Icon