Res Historica 29/2010, Terra, mare et homines II, Studies in Memory of Tadeusz Łoposzko
28,00 $
ISBN: 978-83-227-3177-2
Description: softcover, 234 pages (24x17cm)
Condition: very good
Weight: 450g.
Res Historica 29/2010, Terra, mare et homines II, Studies in Memory of Tadeusz Łoposzko, Lublin 2010
Henryk Kowalski, Tadeusz Łoposzko (1929-1994)
Luca Fezzi, Tadeusz Loposzko studioso di Public Clodio Pulcro: spunti sulla carestia del 57 a. C
Katarzyna Balbuza, Aeternitas - an element of Emperor Trajan's self-representation (an outline of the problem)
Stanislaw Ducin, The development of typology of warships in the Greek and Roman World throughout the Eighth to First Centuries BC
Andrzej Gillmeister, The Sibylline Books and the Gauls
Juliusz Jundzill, Lamps on Roman ships
Marek Kurylowicz, Crimen artioris annonae
Wlodzimierz Lengauer, Eros and politics in Athens of the Fourth Century B.C. . Ireneusz Luc, The praefecti praetorio of the Julio-Claudian dynasty
Pawel Madejski, Pax deorum?
Leszek Mrozewicz, Damnatio memoriae in the inscriptions from Novae (Moesia Inferior)
Ryszard Pankiewicz, Einige Bemerkungen zum sag. "Rieplschen Gesetz" am Beispiel des romischen Informations - und Nachrichtenwesens
Norbert Rogosz, The participation and role of the Caesarians in the attempt on C. lulius Caesar's Life (15 March, 44)
Dariusz Slapek, L'amphitheatre dans la ville romaine: "le nombril du monde" ou la peripherie?
Bozena Stawoska-Jundzill, Marine iconography of children's epitaphs from Roman catacombs
W. Jeffrey Tatum, The Plebiscitum Atinium once more
Elzbieta Wozniak, The attitude of Marcus Tullius Cicero to Greek art