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Etudes et Travaux XIX

20,00 $

Default Title

Description: 385 pages, photographs, maps, plans, drawings
Condition: very good
Weight: 1030g.






Etudes et Travaux XIX, Centre D'Archeologie Mediterraneenne de L'Academie Polonaises des Sciences, Varsovie 2001



KAROL MYSLIWIEC. "Nothing is impossible" - the Professor and the Academy
MIROSLAW BARWIK. The so-called Chapter 190 of the Book of the Dead and the Linen Canopy from the Tomb of Tutankhamun
DOROTA BIELINSKA. A Third Millennium B.C. Cylinder Seal from Tell Arbid
WIKTOR A. DASZEWSKI. Divagations sur la mosa'i'quc d'Achille a Paphos
STEFAN JAKOBIELSKI. Tentative d'identification dc ccrtaines pcinturcs dc Faras
JANUSZ KARKOWSKI. Pharaoh in the Hcb-Sed Robe in Hatshcpsufs Temple at Dcir el Bahari
ZSOLT KISS. Un portrait dc philosophc au Musee dc Tantah
KAMILA KOLODZIEJCZYK. Caracteres generaux des hains priecs romains en Italic
KAMIL O. KURASZKIEWICZ. Two Fragments of the False-door Frame of Ny-Pcpy from West Saqqara
EWA LASKOWSKA-KUSZTAL. Arcnsnouphis sur unc stele d'Elcphantinc
BARBARA LICHOCKA. HENRYK MEYZA. Seismic Events and the Evidence of Coins and Pottery. The Case of Destruction of the House of Aion in Paphos
ADAM LAJTAR. Hcb 5. 4 in a Graffito in the Western Annex of the Monastery on Kom H at Old Dongola
MALGORZATA MARTENS-CZARNECKA. Suggestions on Dating of some Murals from the Monastery in Old Dongola
JOLANTA MLYNARCZYK. Local and Regional Wares at Tell Kcisan in the Hellenistic Period
KAROL MYSLIWIEC. Isis, Hathor on Cleopatre? - a propos d'une figurine trouvee a Tell Atrib
PIOTR PARANDOWSKI. Filming the Sites
IDA RYL-PRE1BISZ. Remarks on some "Rediscovered" Nubian Architectural Elements
TEODOZJA I. RZEUSKA. Pottery from the Temple of Tuthmosis III at Dcir el Bahari
BARBARA TKACZOW. Topographic et architecture de l'ancienne Alexandric. Nouvelles recherches et decouvertes
MACIEJ G. WITKOWSKI. The l/ara Fric/.cs in the Sidlas of the Great Amir Qurqumas' Madrasa at Cairo North Cemetery (No. 162). Some Notes on a Margin of an Epigraphic Survey (1998-1999)
BOGDAN ZURAWSKI. Makurian Defensive System in the Southern Dongola Reach (6lh-14th century)