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From the Archaeological Collections of Cracow and Jena

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ISBN: 83-01-08867-2
Description: 71 pages, photographs, 660 vols. issued
Condition: very good
Weight: 175g.




From the Archaeological Collections of Cracow and Jena. Edited by Joachim Sliwa and Ernst Kluwe, Cracow 1988


Within the framework of cooperation between the Jagellonian University in Cracow and the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena a project has been undertaken in the domain of studies over the ancient civilizations, embracing among other things more important problems from the history of both Universities' archaeological collections and studies over the ancient objects coming from them. The first publication from this domain appeared in print in Jena in 1985 (cf. Zur Geschichte der klassischen Archaologie Jena - Krakow, Wissenschaflliche Beitrage der Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena). The volume of studies actually presented is devoted to selected objects from the both centres' archaeological collections.
Joachim Sliwa
Egyptian and "Egyptianizing" objects from the Leo JD. Kostka collection in the National Museum in Cracow
Joachim Oelsner
Inschriften mittelamischer, neuassyrischer und neubabylonischer Herrscher auf Ziegeln in Krakow und Jena
Ewdoksia Papuci-Wladyka
Two Corinthian terracotta figurines in Gracow
Verena Paul-Zinserling
Begierde und Symplegma. Zu zwei Schalen des Q- und des Jena-Malers
Malgorzata Wilkosz
KATAXAIPE KAI EY0PAINOY. Le gobelel en verre avec Vinscription grecque
Ernst Kluwe
Munzen als historische und kutlurgeschtliche Zeugnisse. Zur Nutzung der Jenaer Munzsammlungen fur wissenschaftliche Studien sowie fur Lehrzwecke
Andrzoj Laska
Glass reproductions of ancient gems in the collection of the Jagiellonian University Museum
Janusz A. Ostrowski
Jan Matejko und das Archaologische Kabinett der Jagiellonen-Universitat