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Archeologia LVI, 2005

15,00 $

Default Title

Description: softcover, 174pp. (29,5x20,5cm), drawings, photos, 350 copies printed
Condition: very good
Weight: 580g.





Archeologia LVI, 2005, Warsaw 2006

M. Makowski, Anthropomorphic Figurines of Early Bronze Age Anatolia
A. Ziolkowski, The aggeres and the Rise of Urban Communities in Early Iron Age Latium
M. Mielczarek, Towards the Divinity. Once More on the Coins of Seleucus I of the Nike Crowning a Trophy Type
T. Mikocki, The Achilles Mosaic from the Villa with a View in Ptolemais (Libya)
J. Zelazowski, Alcune considerazioni sulle pitture parietarie di una casa del III sec. d.C. a Ptolemais (Cirenaica)
P. Jaworski, Ancient Coins from the Warsaw University Institute of Archaeology Excavations at Ptolemais, Libya (2002‐2004)
T. Sarnowski, Römische Militärziegel von der südwestlichen Krim. Probleme der Produktionstätigkeit und Produktionsorte
J. Zelazowski, R. Zukowski, Deux plats en argent de l'Antiquité tardive au Musée national de Varsowie
J. Kolendo, Il gladiatore ‐ barbaro: Gallo, Dace e persino Slavo? Vicende dell'interpretazione della statua del "Gallo Morente" del Museo Capitolino