Enclosed Space - Open Society, Contact and Exchange in the Context of Bronze Age Defensive Settlements in Central Europe
65,00 $
ISBN: 978-3-7749-3791-8
Description: hardback, 371 pp. (30x22 cm), phots., drawings
Condition: new
Weight: 1760g.
Enclosed Space - Open Society, Contact and Exchange in the Context of Bronze Age Defensive Settlements in Central Europe, (Eds.) Mateusz Jaeger, Janusz Czebreszuk, Klara P. Fischl, Studien zur Archäologie in Ostmitteleuropa, Band 9, Poznan, Bonn 2012
Preface from series’ editors
Tomas Alusik
Aegean Elements and Influences in Central European Bronze Age
Defensive Architecture: Fact or Fiction? Local or Imported?
János Dani
Fortified Tell Settlements from the Middle Bronze Age
in the Hungarian Reach of the Berettyó Valley
Klara P. Fischl
The Role of the Hernád Valley in the Settlement Structure
of the Füzesabony Culture
Tünde Horváth
Metallurgy of the Vatya Culture — Technological Observations
on the Stone Tools of the Culture
Tünde Horváth
The Chronological Role of Chipped Stone Implements
in the Early and Middle Bronze Ages
Mateusz Jaeger
Kościan Group of Únìtice Culture and Fortified Settlement
in Bruszczewo. Their Role in Micro- and Macro-regional Exchange
Przemysław Makarowicz
Zwischem baltischem Bernstein und transylvanischem Gold.
Der Trzciniec-Kulturkreis — nordöstlicher Partner
der Otomani/Füzesabony-Kultur
Klára Marková
Die befestigten Siedlungen im Kommunikationnetz des Bernsteins
im Karpatenbecken
Marcin S. Przybyła,
Magdalena Skoneczna
& Adam Vitoš
Interregional Contacts or Local Adaptation? Studies
on the Defensive Settlement from the Bronze and Early Iron Age
in Maszkowice (Western Carpathians)
László Reményi
The Defensive Settlements of the Vatya Culture
and the Central European Bronze Age Exchange System
Vajk Szeverényi & Gabriella Kulcsár
Middle Bronze Age Settlement and Society in Central Hungary
Claes Uhnér
Society and Power: Political Economy in Bronze Age
Tell-Building Communities