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Etudes et Travaux II

45,00 $

Default Title

Description: 321 pages (20x25cm), photographs, maps, plans,drawings
Condition: very good- (damages of dustjacket)
Weight: 775g.



Etudes et Travaux II, Centre d'Archeologie Mediterraneenne de l'Academie Polonaises des Sciences, Varsovie 1968


adolf klasens. A Social Revolution in Ancient Egypt
krystyna szarzynska. Ceramique d'Uruk d'apres I'ecriture pictographique sumerienne
marek marciniak. Quelques rcmarques sur la formule ir nfr, ir nfr
joachim sliwa. Menat-Egide du Musee National de Cracovie
leszek dabrowski. Temple d'Hatchepsout a Deir el-Bahari, 3C terrasse. Projct de la reconstruction du mur ouest de la cour
przemyslaw M. gartkiewicz. On the research and preservation of Queen Hatshepsut Temple at Deir el-Bahari. Partial reconstruction of the Eastern Wall of the hypostylc hall
elzbieta dabrowska-smektala. Remarks on the restoration of the Eastern Wall on the 3rd Terrace of Hatshepsut Temple
jadwiga lipinska. The granite doorway in the Temple of Tuthmosis III at Deir el-Bahari
henryk brandys. Female Statuette of Prince's Servant named Nhw-n-ib from the Collection of the Na?tional Museum in Cracow
tadeusz dzierzykray-rogalski. Une momie d'enfant de Basse Epoque decouverte a Deir el-Bahari en 1964
malgorzata martens. Mirmeki-an outline of its history and urban planning
zdzislaw kapera. Une figure de mere a l'enfant Cypriote du Musee de L'Universit6 Jagellone
zdzislaw kapera. Les origines de Nea Paphos
kamila kolodziejczyk. Private Roman Bath at Kom el-Dikka in Alexandria
wojciech kolataj. Travaux de conservation et de reconstruction dans Ics thcrmcs remains et la construc?tion voutee dc Kom el-Dikka
tadeusz dzierzykray-rogalski and elzbieta prominska. Studies on human bones from sector M-IX of the moslem necroples at Kom el-Dikka, Alexandria (Egypt)
tadeusz dzierzykray-rogalski. Human bones from trench F and G of the moslem necroples at Kom el-Dikka, Alexandria, Egypt
wanda zdrojewska. Alexandrian Statuette of Eros from Polish Excavations at Tell Atrib
elzbieta rodziewicz. Small grcek ivory heads as furniture decoration
zsolt Kiss. Dionysos Enfant sur une panthere
zsolt Kiss. Un portrait d'enfant neronien du Musee National de Varsovie
piotr szolc. Remarks on hebrew inscription and symbolics of Faras
tadeusz golgowski. On the iconography of the Holy Virgin represented on Faras murals. Standing Virgin holding the Child on her Arm
stanislaw jasiewicz. The Protection of Khan Marjan in Baghdad against the Periodical Flooding