Studia Ceranea, Vol. 8/2018
30,00 $
Description: softcover, 360 pages (24x17cm)
Condition: new
Weight: 600g.
Studia Ceranea, Journal of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe, Vol. 8/2018, Lodz 2018
Indo-European Roots of the Helen of Troy
Maciej Jaszczyński
Characteristics of Roman Female Deities
Idaliana Kaczor
The First Woman Yamī, Her Origin and Her Status in Indo-Iranian Mythology: Demigoddess or Half-human? (Evidence from R̥gveda 10.10, Iranian Parallels and Greek Relatives)
Leonid Kulikov
Circe and Rome. The Origin of the Legend
Hanna Zalewska-Jura
On the Possibilities of Researching the Marriage Policies of the Rurikids: The Case of Mstislav Fyodor Vladimirovich Monomakhovich
Dariusz Dąbrowski
Electronic Diachronic Corpus and Dictionaries of Old Bulgarian
Gergana Ganeva
Prolegomena to the Christian Images Not Made by Human Hands
Matej Gogola
Catechumens in the East in the Light of Pseudo-epigraphic Normative Church Sources from the 4th Century
Andrzej R. Hołasek
Byzantine Rank Hierarchy in the 9th–11th Centuries
Nikolay Kanev
Asparuh and His People on the Lower Danube through the Eyes of Theophanes, or a Story that Was Not Meant to Happen
Kirił Marinow
The Economic Condition of the Bishopric of Gaza (Palestine) during the Rule of Bishop Porphyry (circa 395–420)
Ireneusz Milewski
From Paganism to Christianity. General Remarks on the Religious Changes in Petra (1st–6th Cent. AD)
Mohammed Al-Nasarat
Berichus and the Evidence for Aspar’s Political Power and Aims in the Last Years of Theodosius II’s Reign
Łukasz Pigoński
Prospective Gain or Actual Cost? Arab Civilian and Military Captives in the Light of Byzantine Narrative Sources and Military Manuals from the 10th Century
Szymon Wierzbiński
The Byzantine-Poetic Path of the Works of St. Maximus the Greek (Mikhail Trivolis, *Arta, ca. 1470 – St. Maximus the Greek, †Moscow, 1556)
Neža Zajc
Book reviews
Athenais-Eudocia – the Augusta of Palestine (remarks on the book: Т.Л. АЛЕКСАНДРОВА, Византийская императрица Афинаида-Евдокия. Жизнь и творчество в контексте эпохи правления императора Феодосия II (401–450) [Byzantine Empress Athenais-Eudocia. Life and Works in the Context of the Reign of Theodosius II (401–450)], Алетейя, Санкт-Петербург 2018, pp. 415 [Новая византийская библиотека. Исследования])
Małgorzata B. Leszka, Mirosław J. Leszka
Małgorzata Skowronek, Średniowieczne opowieści biblijne. Paleja historyczna w tradycji bizantyńsko-słowiańskiej [Medieval Biblical Stories. Palaea Historica in the Byzantine-Slavic Tradition], Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2017 [= Series Ceranea, 4], pp. 396.
Maciej Dawczyk
Libanios, Discours, t. III, Discours XI. Antiochicos, texte établi et traduit par M. Casevitz, O. Lagacherie, notes complémentaires par C. Saliou, Les Belles Lettres, Paris 2016 [= Collection des Universités de France. Série grecque, 524], pp. CIII, 213.
Paweł Filipczak
Św. Jan Chryzostom, Mowy do Antiocheńczyków o posągach [Spechees for Antiochenes on the Statues], przekład i komentarz J. Iluk, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk–Sopot 2017, pp. XXII, 278.
Zofia A. Brzozowska, Mirosław J. Leszka, Maria Lekapene, Empress of the Bulgarians. Neither a Saint nor a Malefactress, translated by M. Majer, A. Mękarski, M. Zytka, Łódź University Press, Jagiellonian University Press, Łódź–Kraków 2017 [= Byzantina Lodziensia, 36], pp. VII, 226.
ЛЕВ ХИРОСФАКТ, Сочинения, перевод с греческого, подготовка издания, комментарии, вступительная статья Т.А. СЕНИНОЙ (монахини Кассии) [Leo Choirosphaktes, Works, translated from Greek and edited with a commentary and introduction by T.A. Senina (nun Kassia)], Алетейя, Санкт-Петербург 2017 [= Новая византийская библиотека. Источники], pp. 279.
Mirosław J. Leszka
Leonora Neville, Guide to Byzantine Historical Writing, with the assistance of David Harrisville, Irina Tamarkina, and Charlotte Whatley, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018, pp. XII, 322.
Mirosław J. Leszka
Leonora Neville, Heroes and Romans in Twelfth-Century Byzantium. The Material for History of Nikephoros Bryennios, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2016, pp. XIV, 243 (paperback).
Zdzisław Pentek
Małgorzata Skowronek, Palaea Historica. The Second Slavic Translation: Commentary and Text, trans. Y. Loske, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2016 [Series Ceranea, 3],
Łukasz Pigoński
Średniowieczne herezje dualistyczne na Bałkanach. Źródła słowiańskie [Medieval Dualist Heresies in the Balkans. Slavic Sources] opracowanie, przekład i komentarz Georgi Minczew, Małgorzata Skowronek, Jan Mikołaj Wolski, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2015 [= Series Ceranea, 1], pp. 240.
Łukasz Pigoński