Studies of Greek and Roman Antiquity. Essays edited by Jerzy Styka
9,99 $
ISBN: 83-7188-218-1
Description: 195 pages
Condition: very good
Weight: 245g.
Studies of Greek and Roman Antiquity. Essays edited by Jerzy Styka, Classica Cracoviensia III, Cracow 1997
This third volume of the publication series entitled CLASSICA CRACOVIENSIA contains more than a dozen articles, covering a wide spectrum of search on Greco-Roman antiquity and its impact on contemporary European culture.
The present volume opens with an article by Michael von Albrecht, a tribute to the scholarly achievements of an outstanding Polish classicist, Tadeusz Zielinski (1859-1944). In a similar vein, Bernd Effe has devoted his article to the figure of Philip Melanchton, the great German humanist (1497-1560). The next three articles deal with essential problems in literary theory and criticism. StanisJaw Stabryta has written on Ovid's Ars Amatoria as a didactic poem; Jerzy Styka on the category of decorum in Horace's Ars Poetica; and Daniel den Hengst on poetry in the Historia Augusta. The problems of the interpretation and functioning of ancient myths is taken up by Joahim Dalfen and Antoni Bobrowski, while Stanislaw Sniczawski, Dariusz Brodka, and Wolfgang Speyer discuss the life of ancient though in the areas of philosophy and religion, society and politics, and literature. The specific problems of ancient sci?ence as reflected in literary texts are discussed in articles by Johannes Jacobus Smolenaars and Marek Hermann. The last article in this volume contributed by Roland Hoffmann belongs to the field of linguistic; it deals with the problem of congruence and dependence in Latin.
Michael von ALBRECHT, Thaddaeus Zielinski - Philologe und Europcier
Bernd EFFE, Philipp Mclanchthon (1497-1560) als Homer-Interpret
Stanistaw STABRYLA, Ovids 'Ars amatoria' als Lehrgedicht
Jerzy STYKA, Decorum in Poetry: Horace's 'Arspoetica'
Daniel den HENGST, Die Poesie in der 'Historia Augusta'. Bemerkungen zur Opiliusvita
Joachim DALFEN, Lohnt es sich, fur die Menschen zu leiden?
Der Mythos von Prometheus und einige seiner Deutungen
Antoni BOBROWSKI, La realta e il mito nella struttura del carme 68 di Catullo
Stanistaw SNIEZEWSK.I, Livy's Views upon the Nature and Philosophy of Roman Religion
Dariusz BRODKA, Die Idee der 'Roma Aeterna' in den Kaiserpanegyriken des Sidonius Apollinaris
Wolfgang SPEYER, Der Dichter in der Einsamkeit. Zu einer abendlandischen Denkvorstellung
Johannes Jacobus SMOLENAARS, Lake Avernus, the 'Birdless Place': poetic licence or carbon dioxide?.
Marek HERMANN, Bewegung und Expression der Tierkreissternbilder in romischer Literaturderfruhen Kaiserzeit
Roland HOFFMANN, Kongruenz und Dependenz im Lateinischen. Zum Verhaltnis von morphologischer Markierung und syntaktischer Hierarchic