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Tell Qaramel 1999–2007, Protoneolithic and Early Pre-pottery Neolithic Settlement in Northern Syria

115,00 $

Default Title

ISBN: 978-83-903796-3-0
Description: paperback, 288 pp. (29,5x21 cm), 147 plates (55 col. phots.)
Condition: very good
Weight: 1100g.

Ryszard F. Mazurowski, Youssef Kanjou (eds), Tell Qaramel 1999–2007, Protoneolithic and Early Pre-pottery Neolithic Settlement in Northern Syria / Un village protonéolithique et préceramique en Syrie du Nord, PCMA Excavation Series 2, Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw 2012

In English and French

Acknowledgments / Remerciements
Tell Qaramel Mission 1997–2007 / Mission Tell Qaramel 1997–2007
List of contributors / Liste des contributeurs
General remarks on the site and the excavations / Remarques générales sur le site et historique des fouilles
Ryszard F. Mazurowski
Architecture / Architecture
Ryszard F. Mazurowski, Marcin Białowarczuk, Katarzyna Januszek
Human and animal graves / Sépultures humaines et animales
Joanna Gawrońska, Artur Grabarek, Youssef Kanjou
Ground and pecked stone industry and objects of art / Industrie lithique et objets d’art
Ryszard F. Mazurowski
Chipped flint industry / Industrie du silex taillé
Katarzyna Januszek, Piotr Karczmarek
Bone and shell objects / Objets en os et en coquillage
Ryszard F. Mazurowski, Bartłomiej Paprocki
Anthropological examination of human bones / Analyse anthropologique des ossements humains
Youssef Kanjou
Animal bone remains / Restes d’ossements d’animaux
Anna Gręzak
Late Pleistocene/early Holocene charred plant remains: preliminary report / Restes de plantes carbonisées, Pléistocène final/début
Holocène: rappor t préliminaire
George Willcox, Linda Herveux
Abbreviations and bibliographic references / Abréviations et bibliographie
List of figures and plates / Liste des figures et planches
Plates / Planches