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The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, vol. LIII (2023)

75,00 $

Default Title

Description: hardback, 279 pp. (23,5x17cm)
Condition: new
Weight: 755g.



The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, vol. LIII (2023), ed. by T. Derda, A. Lajtar, G. Ochala, J. Urbanik, Warsaw 2023

Lincoln H. Blumell & Amer al-Mesiry
A Christian epitaph from Oxyrhynchus

W. Graham Claytor
A monk’s petition from Karanis

Sophie Kovarik
Flax and tow in Berlin and Vienna: Three ‘sales on delivery’ from Arsinoe from the fifth and sixth centuries

Adam Łajtar & Grzegorz Ochała
Epigraphica Nubica

Peter van Minnen
The diplomatics of synchoreseis that are not drafts

Maria Nowak
P. Laur. IV 169 recto & verso: re-edition. An epistula of Constantine I and official correspondence

Jakub Urbanik
Nomikoi in (and out of ) the Roman courts in Roman Egypt

Ewa Wipszycka
Apotaktikoi – apotaktitai: Étude sur la terminologie monastique (Égypte – Jérusalem – Asie Mineure)

Marzena Wojtczak & Jakub Urbanik
‘Weaker’ sex and ‘weaker’ dispute resolution? Women & arbitration in late-antique papyri